Frequently Asked Questions When Preparing to File for Divorce

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  • The Law Offices of Ryan S. Dougay
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  • April 11, 2019

Frequently Asked Questions When Preparing to File for Divorce

Family Lawyer

Divorce can be scary for a variety of reasons. Facing life without your spouse may be something that you are unsure of. How will you manage on your own? Some may be financially dependant on their spouse, making the prospect of divorce seem nearly impossible. Chances are, you will be trying to determine if you will even be able to financially survive on your own. A lawyer can answer your question and provide guidance when enduring the divorce process and, determining your financial options.

How can I financially prepare for a divorce?

There are a number of ways for a person to financially prepare for divorce. Legal fees are a likely expense that comes with divorce. Because of this, it’s important to begin the process of setting money aside for when the time comes. In order to do so, it’s important that you have access to your finances, assets and essential documents. You should also take the time to consider the amount of money you will need to ascertain once you are no longer living with the person for whom you are financially dependent on. This can help to provide you with a better idea of how much in spousal and child support you should ask for in the divorce.

How should I initiate the divorce process?

Once you and your spouse have decided to call it quits, the process is initiated with a divorce petition. The divorce petition will include relevant information pertaining to the marriage such as the names of you, your spouse and your children. In addition, the petition will outline property, assets, child support and spousal support. One of both parties have signed the divorce petition, the waiting period officially begins.

How long does it take before my divorce is finally official?

Once you have filed for divorce and are officially separated, there is a waiting period prior to finalizing the divorce. Waiting periods can vary depending upon the state, lasting anywhere from 60 days to 6 months. The length of time to finalize a divorce will largely depend upon how complicated the divorce is and whether you and your spouse are able to make agreements in a timely manner. It’s important to note that an uncontested divorce may move much quicker than one that is contested.

How will I support myself financially if I did not work during the marriage?

In many families, one spouse may stay home to take care of the children while the other supports the family financially. When facing divorce, the person who does not draw an income may have concern over how they will financially support themselves in the days ahead. An attorney can work with you to weigh your options. In some cases, you may be eligible for alimony or spousal support from the working spouse. You may be able to obtain alimony for a specific period of time until you are able to obtain a job. Long term alimony is an option in situations where one person has devoted much of their lives to taking care of the home and raising children.

It can feel troublesome to face divorce when you are incredibly unclear with how you will financially support yourself, especially if you were the parent dedicated to staying home to care for your children. A family lawyer in Rockville, MD can work tirelessly by your side to help you weigh your options and protect your interests.

Thanks to the Law Office of Daniel J. Wright for their insight into family law and how to prepare for divorce.